Why is Dr. Robyn Silverman qualified to write the #1 Personal Development System for the After School Activity Industry?
Hey Folks,
Jason Silverman here!
I’m lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak with school/studio/gym and academy owners pretty much every single day. As a former Martial Arts School owner myself, I enjoy helping people to build the kind of businesses that they’ve always hoped to build and live the kind of lives they truly deserve to live.
One question I get on a regular basis, when speaking to people who are trying to incorporate the right Personal Development / Life Skills Program for their school is “how do I know which program is right for me, my staff and my students?” And, what makes Powerful Words Character Development the best and most legitimate option?
Generally speaking, it almost always comes down to one thing. Who created and maintains the integrity of the Personal Development System you are planning to implement in your school? What are their qualifications to create this kind of program? What is their true expertise at designing legitimate curriculum? What is their experience and track record at doing this for the long run?(this one is important as over the past 5 years, I’ve seen so many “character programs” pop up and then go out of business as the owner/creator couldn’t maintain it properly.) How long has the program been in existence and what is the industry saying about it?
It’s important that you “hire” the right expert for the job. You wouldn’t ask your mechanic to fix your root canal for you, just because he’s good with tools, would you? Of course not. You’d find the right Dr. who is qualified, practiced and experienced to ensure a successful result, wouldn’t you?
Here’s a short video of Dr Robyn Silverman (the founder and creator of Powerful Words) speaking about some of her qualifications and why she is the right person to create THE character development system for the After School Activity industry.
[vsw id=”0VZHHr2tUsM” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
As most in the industry know, Dr. Robyn is recognized as a leading Parenting / Child Development Expert and appears regularly in this capacity on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Nightline, The Tyra Show, Fox News, etc. Many of the top Powerful Words schools worldwide use Dr. Robyn’s celebrity as well as her credentials to their advantage by letting folks know that they have their very own Celebrity Child & Teen Development Expert on Staff. Makes alot of sense, right?
Here’s a quick clip of her TV Media Reel:
[vsw id=”rJLGt9VoUg8″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
For more information about implementing Powerful Words in your school/gym/studio or academy – please contact (877) 769-3799 ext 7 or click the Get Started Now button on the right hand side of the page!
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