The Power of Teaching Kids About Money with Danny Kofke

Danny Kofke SqThe Real Deal with Jason Silverman with Danny Kofke

Welcome to this edition of THE REAL DEAL with Jason Silverman!

Jason Silverman got a chance to catch up with a spectacular teacher and financial expert…Danny Kofke.  Danny has written numerous books about understanding financial success that are proving helpful worldwide!  Jason LOVED this conversation and it truly sparked some outstanding ideas.  If you have kids or work with kids, this podcast is a must!

What are you waiting for??  You’re going to get a ton of value from this one!

Strap yourself in and get ready!  This is going to be great!

A little about Danny Kofke…

Danny Kofke is currently a retirement consultant in Georgia (he was an elementary school and special education teacher for 14 years before getting out of the classroom recently).  Danny is also the author of three personal finance books – “A Bright Financial Future: Teaching Kids About Money Pre-K through College for Life-Long Success” (SEPT 2014), “A Simple Book of Financial Wisdom: Teach Yourself (and Your Kids) How to Live Wealthy with Little Money” (SEPT 2011) and “How To Survive (and perhaps thrive) On A Teacher’s Salary” (OCT 2007).

Danny has appeared on numerous television shows including Fox & Friends, Fox News

Channel’s Happening Now, The CBS Early Show, CNN’s Newsroom, Fox Business

Network’s The Willis Report, HLN’s Weekend Express, The 700 Club, CNN’s Your Bottom Line, Fox News Channels’ America’s News HQ, Fox Business Network’s Follow The Money, HLN’s Making It In America, ABC News Now, Fox Business Network’s Varney & Company, HLN’s The Clark Howard Show and MSNBC Live.  He has also been interviewed on 500 radio shows and featured in numerous publications such as USA Today,, Consumer Reports,, Money Magazine,, PARADE, Instructor Magazine, CBS,, The Atlanta Journal

Constitution,, USA Weekend, Woman’s Day, Consumer’s Digest,,

Bottom Line Personal, Your Family Today and The Huffington Post.

Danny’s 10 year-old daughter, Ava, also recently traditionally published a personal finance book to help children ages 4-11 learn more about money.  “The Financial Angel: What All Kids (Ages 4–11) Should Know About Money” includes Ava’s simple definitions and tips about Savings, Spending, Giving, Debit Cards and Credit Cards, plus activities for kids to enjoy learning about money basics.

Many people find investing and money management difficult to understand.  Danny would like to show others if this former elementary school teacher can do it they can too.

Listen to today’s podcast and discover:

1.  Why did Danny decide to write a book for parents to teach their children about money?

2.  Why is money such a taboo topic for many?

3.  At what age can you start teaching kids about money?

4.  Danny’s 10-year-old daughter has published a book, how did that happen?

5.  What is the most important message Danny hopes others get from his books?
