Do you OVERDELIVER to your members or do you just deliver the minimum?
Hey there 🙂 First off, thanks so much for all of the well wishes this week. My household is starting to get healthy once again. Tallie’s pnemonia seems much better, Noah’s ear infection is clearing up, Dr. Robyn’s cold is getting better and my bronchitis is slowly (and i do mean slowly) vanishing 🙂
What are you doing to OVERDELIVER to your clients and add value to their lives on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis?
As a school / gym / club / studio owner your members expect to get a fantastic physical eduction. Let’s face it, if you’ve gone through the hassle and expense to open up a business teaching the skills you teach, people expect you to be great at it. Being great at it though, is the absolute minimum you can do for your people.
Are YOU Doing only the minimum…or do you OverDeliver?
Here are a few suggestions to provide extra value to your people:
1.) Create an experience with every class you offer. Think about the “image-sensory package” of your facility (this is something I usually speak about in my courses) and make sure that everything about your facility (the way it looks, sounds, smells, feels, and yes…even tastes) shows that you care about your folks:
a.)Â Your parking lots are easy to maneuver and offer easy (well lit) access to your facility.
b.) Your lobby/entrance area is clean, professional and inviting. It should basically say to anybody who walks in, “we’re happy you’re here and we’ll treat you like you deserve to be treated here!”
c.) Your bathrooms should be clean and neat. If you really want to overdeliver – go visit a spa and check out their bathrooms/locker rooms…model those!
d.)Â Your staff is always dressed professionally and appropriately and always has a smile on their faces.
e.)Â Your staff goes out of their way to ensure that everybody leaves with a smile on their face…excited to come back for their next visit.
f.) Your parents viewing area is a welcome haven for parents to enjoy the classes without disturbing or disrupting anybody. Comfy chairs, coffee maker, a staff member in “hearing” distance to ensure you know of everything going on 🙂
g.) Your classes are well run, punctual, and effective. Everybody appreciates the fact that you go out of your way to get the results you promised when they joined.
2.)Â Be More than a physical education center:
a.) If you promise to help develop the character of your students – DELIVER ON THAT PROMISE. (in fact, this is why so many folks jump aboard Powerful Words Character Development, since we provide everything you need to successfully do this!) Let’s face it…you have a curriculum for the physical skills you teach, right? Well, if you REALLY want to professionally teach personal development, why not use the system that is PROVEN to develop the character of your members? Powerful Words is that system 🙂
b.) Educate the parents AND the students. When you provide helpful information for the parents, they see the value of membership at your facility. (You can always use the Parents Perch and the Dear Dr. Robyn exactly for this purpose)
c.)Â Become the Personal Development Resource that your community so sorely needs.
d.) Trail blaze in your community – become a leader and show your community how to live their lives with character. It’s amazing how soon your facility will become recognized as “The Personal Development Center”, regardless of the physical skills you offer.
3.)Â Connect on a personal level:
a.) Offer more than just “classes” and “teams”…offer them a “home away from home”. This means that your facility is their gathering point – a place where they’re always comfortable and always welcome.
b.) Celebrate holidays together and break bread. It’s been my experience that the facilities who “party” together build nice, strong bonds. Holiday parties, theme parties and other ways to socialize as a big “family” will serve to create a spectacular connection with your current members as well as their families and friends.
c.) Postcards are like gold – find a reason to send your people postcards (yes, actual post cards that you write on and put a stamp on and mail!) People appreciate it like you wouldn’t believe.
d.) Pick up the phone and call them…especially when it has nothing to do with money. Let them know they did a great job in class, or that you missed them, or that you were sorry to hear about their grandma Sue. Just do it. You’ll both be glad you did.
This should be a great start – feel free to chime in, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Oh, and if, for some insane reason, you’re NOT taking advantage of everything that Powerful Words Character Development can (and will) do for your school / gym / club / studio – do yourself (and your students) a favor right now…and jump aboard. It’s risk free with a full money back guarantee — we’re THAT CONFIDENT that our program WORKS and will WORK FOR YOU!
Many of our Powerful Words family members tell us that they use Powerful Words as their primary system to ensure that they continually over deliver to their clients (and this totally warms our hearts!) It seems logical to me that if you are looking for a competitive advantage to help your business this coming year, it would be foolish NOT to get started with this proven system. I’m happy to discuss it with you…in fact, I’ll be happy to book a quick coaching call with you FOR FREE (if you act fast…)
I’ve got a few openings left in my schedule…if you’d like to chat about how Powerful Words will help you achieve your goals in 2012, reply back to this note and we can schedule a convenient time for both of us 🙂
warm regards,
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