A Note from a Client’s Client –> Very Cool Indeed
Hi There,
Hope you’re having an awesome day. I just got the coolest email from one of our Gold Level Members (Shane Tassoul of Champions Martial Arts) that totally made my day. I’m sharing it with you for a few important reasons:
1.) It’s always great to get GOOD NEWS, right? Sometimes the day to day tasks of our job can make us forget about the impact we’re making on our members (and their families) lives. This email will remind you!
2.) I wanted to share what our client’s clients are saying about how Powerful Words is impacting their lives. Straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.
3.) I hope you’ll take action and let somebody else know how they are positively impacting YOUR LIFE. I’d like for this to set some positive energy in motion…would you be open to it?
Alright – here it is:
Dear Jason & Dr. Robyn,
I just got this from a parent. Thank you for making me look so good!
Thank you to you and Dr Silverman for all you do!
Have a Kickin’ Day!
SBN Shane Tassoul
Begin forwarded message:
From: “Rxx, Becki”
Date: September 6, 2012 1:32:03 PM CDT
To: “info@championsma.us” <info@championsma.us>
Subject: Just a Thank You Note
I just want to say how much I appreciate the POWerful Words program and the behavior that M. Tassoul demonstrates in class. Even if my kids never master the roundhouse kick, this portion of class makes it worth the harried drive and the occasional toddler meltdown (it’s hard to be excited for TKD if you skipped naptime!).
I feel like I’m a better parent, for observing and taking part at Champions. I find myself saying things like “Oooh! I like the way you came to brush your teeth, even though I can see you didn’t want to. Thank you.” without conciously thinking about where that statement came from. This is huge, because I grew up in a family where negative feedback was much more common, and as an adult I have fallen into that same train more often than not.
Emma (my 4 year old) will often quote M. Tassoul as well, saying things like “Water makes you grow big and strong, so your body can work better. That’s what Master Tassoul says, right Mommy?”
Ours is not a radical, from out-of-control kid to World’s Most Respectful Child story, but rather proof that small exposures to positive influences can make a big change for a family.
Thank you for all that you do.
Becki Rxx
Alright – I hope you think this is as cool as I do!
As always, please let us know how we can be helpful to you!
Jason M. Silverman
CEO – Powerful Words Character Development
(877) 769-3799 ext 7